The 10 Top-Rated Online Doctors in Ohio in 2023

The Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) has recently made changes to its definition of telehealth. Both synchronous and asynchronous modalities are accepted telehealth technology. Asynchronous communication—even without audio and video—is now considered under state law as long as the exchange between the parties is accurate and meaningful. It has now included telephone calls, remote patient monitoring, electronic mails, patient portal, and other communication technologies.

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The general rule is that no initial in-person consultation is required before any telehealth services can be delivered. However, depending on the patient’s medical case and other circumstances, the provider has sole discretion whether to require an in-person visit before proceeding with any telehealth service. Other factors such as the preference of the client and guidelines provided by licensing and credentialing boards shall also be followed.

Telemedicine in Ohio is catching up with what modern telecommunications technology has to offer. It has relaxed restrictions on what sites can be considered valid patient and practitioner locations during the telehealth encounters to make it more accessible to all Ohio residents. It has also expanded and made additions to health care services that can be rendered through telehealth modalities, especially in telepsychology.

Learn more about telemedicine and telehealth in the State of Ohio:

Unmatched Feature of Telemedicine in Ohio

What makes telemedicine in Ohio stand out from that in other states is its permanent adoption of the changes made at the start of the public health emergency (PHE). Since the guidelines implemented in response to the PHE sought to expand and make more accessible services rendered through telemedicine, the adoption of the same would be of great benefit to patients and practitioners alike.

Ohio State Telemedicine Laws and Policies

Who can practice telemedicine in Ohio?

All practitioners who are holders of an Ohio medical license also have the privilege to practice via telemedicine. The state medical board does not issue a separate license for such practice.

Aside from the medical license, telehealth providers are also mandated to have a physical location in the state of Ohio. At the minimum, they must have access to a physical location within the state where patients may avail of the same services in person should they prefer it.

The following health care professionals can extend their practice into telemedicine as long as they render services within their scope:

  • Behavioral Health Practitioners
  • Dentists
  • Dietitians
  • Home Health and Hospice Aides
  • Medicaid School Program Providers
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Optometrists
  • Physical Therapists

Out-of-State Telehealth Provider

Non-resident providers who wish to render telehealth services to Ohio residents must first secure a license with the respective boards of their scope of practice.

Interstate Medical Licensure Compact

Ohio is yet to become a full member of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact. In early 2021, the state legislature introduced Senate Bill 6, the Compact Legislation. It has already passed through the health committee and is currently at the House for reading.

If approved, the licensing process to practice medicine, including telehealth, across member states would be expedited. Interested providers would no longer have to undergo rigorous procedures to obtain an out-of-state license. However, this is not a free pass as state laws and local board regulations must still be complied with before a provider can practice telemedicine in the state.

Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact

The passing of Senate Bill 2 tackles, among other things, the participation and membership of the state of Ohio in the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT). It was enacted just recently—last April 27, 2021, to be exact—and is set to become effective starting July 26, 2021.

Its membership would allow Ohio licensed psychologists and psychiatrists to practice telepsychology and temporarily render in-person consultations in other member states and vice versa. The process of obtaining the same would still have to pass through the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB).

Standard of Care

The same quality and standard of care are expected from providers who render telehealth services. Physicians and other health care professionals must comply with their own board’s code of ethics and scope of practice requirements.

The provider must assess whether the patient’s behavioral, cognitive, and physical abilities are fit for online consultations and other telehealth services.

The telehealth providers have the following responsibilities when rendering services:

  • Prepare contingency plans in case of technical problems during a telehealth session.
  • Provide contact information and access to technical assistance for the clients.
  • Maintain their website suicide prevention hotline, local or national, and contacts for the local police and fire departments.
  • Ensure that the equipment to be used for the telehealth sessions meets the standard for the confidentiality of communication and capable of real-time interactive videoconferencing.

There must also be a written policy and procedure as to the capability and qualification of the assisting staff in delivering telehealth services and that they must be well trained in using the equipment and other tools necessary for these services.

Informed Consent

There is no more requirement to document in written form the potential risks and obtain the patient’s written acknowledgment before rendering any telehealth services. What is required now is that the provider must inform his or her patient about the limitations and potential risks of telehealth services. The information must include the following:

  • Clinical aspects of availing telehealth services
  • Confidentiality considerations when utilizing this platform
  • Security and confidentiality considerations

The patient must agree to assume said risks. It is the act of informing and agreeing to it that must be properly documented in the patient’s record. If the services availed of were provided through telehealth means, the same must be noted as well.

If the patient is under the care of a guardian, caregiver, or a multi-disciplinary team, they must be given a proper notification for the telehealth services. The notification shall state the available options for the mode of delivery of such service, that the patient has the right to refuse telehealth services, and instructions on how to file complaints.

In prescribing medication for patients whom the providers have neither seen in-person or conducted a physical examination on, a patient’s agreement or authorization must be duly signed by the patient and properly documented. This is equivalent to informed consent.


Local laws mandate compliance with all federal laws, especially the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), when it comes to upholding the confidentiality of all patient health information acquired during telehealth visits.

The information provided by the patient to the telehealth provider must be kept secure and confidential by the latter. The provider must see that all parties who have any participation in the transmission of the patient’s information will protect the confidentiality of the patient’s health information.

However, when the patient has chosen the originating site without the provider’s participation, the latter shall not be held accountable for any breach of information or confidentiality caused by other individuals present at the originating site.


The general rule is that prior in-person physical examination and evaluation is a must before any medication, whether controlled or non-controlled substances, can be prescribed by a physician to a patient. For non-controlled substances, the physical examination requirement can be omitted in remote consultations when the following conditions are present:

  • The patient’s identity and physical location are properly established.
  • The patient gave their informed consent.
  • With the patient’s consent, medical records for the duration of the telehealth service shall be forwarded to the patient’s primary care physician.
  • An appropriate evaluation that can be conducted within the limits of virtual interaction is accomplished.
  • A diagnosis and treatment plan is provided after the said evaluation.
  • All information is accurately documented in the patient’s medical record, which is made available to the latter.
  • Follow-up care is recommended according to the medical condition’s need.
  • The appropriate technology and communication tool are utilized to achieve all of these conditions.

Ohio is one of the few U.S. states that allow online prescribing of controlled substances without the requirement of prior in-person consultation subject to several conditions.


To practice telepsychology, professionals licensed under the Ohio Board of Psychology must comply with continuing education requirements. They must comply with the rules concerning the use of information and communication technologies used in rendering services.

The following services are allowed to be rendered through telehealth modalities:

  • Assertive Community Treatment Service
  • Behavioral Therapy
  • Community Psychiatric Supports and Treatment (CPST) Services
  • Crisis Intervention Service
  • General Services
  • Intensive Home-Based Treatment Service
  • Peer Recovery Services
  • Pharmacological Management
  • Psychosocial Rehabilitation
  • School-Based Speech Therapy
  • Substance Use Disorder Case Management
  • Therapeutic Behavioral Services

For opioid treatment programs, telemedical procedures are only available for established and stable patients. Allowed services are limited to routine medical appointments and dose adjustments.

Mental health day treatment centers and residents are considered valid originating sites for withdrawal management and substance use disorder services applying the component services.

Other eligible provider sites aside from an office or clinic are outpatient hospitals that provide behavioral health service and eligible Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) and Rural Health Clinics (RHC)  who render medical nutrition therapy and lactation services.

License holders must consider that telepsychology must only be rendered appropriately for certain mental health concerns and decided on a case-to-case basis.


The state of Ohio has recently adopted a new rule allowing the practice of teleoptometry by board-licensed optometrists.

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State Reimbursement Policy

The provider usually bills the Ohio Department Medicaid (ODM). If the practitioner or provider site doesn’t directly send the bill to ODM, the patient may do so.

Some of the recognized patient sites are inpatient and outpatient hospitals, nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities for intellectually disable patients, schools, patients’ homes, homeless shelters, group homes, temporary lodging, or an assisted living facility.

Physician-to-patient interactions only are what is reimbursed in telehealth. Even though it is about medical matters or a patient when the latter is not a participant in a conversation, any conversation between practitioners cannot be considered telehealth. But if said service is covered in a non-telehealth setting, the same can be allowed billing.

Some individuals may avail themselves of telehealth services but are not eligible for reimbursement. For example, penal facility inmates or anyone who is in a public institution.

Pre-admission Screenings and Resident Reviews (PASRR) are also completed electronically through the Healthcare Electronic Notification System (HENS).

What services are reimbursed in Ohio?

Below is a complete list of recognized telehealth services, including the newly recognized medical services that can be delivered via telehealth and are now reimbursable in the state of Ohio:

  • Audiology Services
  • Behavioral Health Services
  • Developmental Test Administration
  • Dialysis-Related Services
  • End-Stage Renal Disease-Related Services
  • Evaluation or Management of New and Established Patients on moderately complex medical decisions
  • Evaluation of pre-recorded videos or images from an established patient
  • Hospice Services
  • Home Health Setting Services
  • Lactation Counseling
  • Limited Oral Evaluation
  • Medical Nutrition Services
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Online Digital Evaluation and Management Services
  • Optometry Services
  • Physical Therapy
  • Private Duty Nursing Services
  • Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation
  • Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing
  • Psychotherapy
  • Report Evaluation and Management Services
  • Specialized Recovery Services
  • Speech-Language Therapy
  • State Plan Home Health Services
  • Substance Use Disorder Services
  • Tobacco Cessation Counseling
  • Virtual Check-in by Health Care Professionals
  • Other services wherein telehealth is the only plausible option, in-office consultation being impossible at the time it is rendered

By OH Medicaid:

  • Live Video
  • Store-and-Forward
  • Remote Patient Monitoring
  • Stand-alone or combination e-consults through patient portals, telephone, e-mail, text message, or facsimile

Live Video

The reimbursement for live video consultations is not without limitations. Only those services with Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes under Medicaid are reimbursable in the state.


Ohio is one of the three states that reimburse store-and-forward if and only if it forms part of other communication technology-based services (CTBS). There are limitations to reimbursements under this telehealth modality.

Remote evaluation for recorded videos, images, and other files falls under this category and is covered when the person who submitted the same is already an established patient.

Remote Patient Monitoring

The state of Ohio reimburses telehealth services rendered through remote patient monitoring but only those that fall under the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services‘ remote physiologic monitoring codes.

By Private Payer or other health care plan providers:

There are currently no payment parity laws in the state, but many health care service plan providers offer coverage and reimbursements for telehealth services availed of by their members. However, considering that there is no exact law or guideline to determine the covered services, the decision for these matters is left to the discretion of the plan provider.

The amount to be reimbursed shall be equal to the rate offered for in-person service that is equivalent to the subject telehealth service. The same rule also applies to the maximum benefit to which a member is entitled to.

For members, it would be best to contact your plan provider first and inquire whether your plan indeed covers the telehealth services you are planning to avail of. It is safe to assume that the rule to be followed when it comes to private payers is the contract that the member or patient signed and agreed to.

Who gets these reimbursements?

The following providers can provide telehealth services and are eligible to be reimbursed for such services:

  • Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
  • Audiologists and Aides
  • Behavioral Health Practitioners
  • Certified Nurse Midwife
  • Certified Nurse Practitioner
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Dentists
  • Dietitians
  • Holders of Conditional Licenses
  • Home Health and Hospice Aides
  • Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor
  • Licensed Independent Marriage and Family Therapist
  • Licensed Independent Social Worker
  • Licensed Practical Nurses – Home Health or Hospice Setting
  • Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
  • Medicaid School Program (MSP) Practitioners
  • Occupational Therapists and Assistants
  • Ophthalmologists
  • Optometrists
  • Physical Therapists and Assistants
  • Physician Assistants
  • Physicians
  • Podiatrists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychologists
  • Private Duty Registered Nurses
  • Supervised Practitioners, Trainees, Residents, and Interns
  • Speech-Language Pathologists and Aides

Public Health Emergency (PHE)

The country is currently in a state of a public health emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It has greatly affected the health care system regarding accessibility and safety from being exposed to the virus. Some circumstances are already beyond the control of the government and medical providers. However, the need of its constituents to have access to quality health care is unchanging and has increased more than ever. The Ohio legislative, state, and local government had deemed it necessary to implement the following rules and guidelines during the existence of this PHE:

  • Out-of-state telemedicine providers are allowed to render health care services under this modality if they treat patients who are currently within the state and cannot leave due to the pandemic or those located in contiguous states and have an established patient who is a resident of Ohio.
  • In-person consultation requirement is suspended for the following:
  • Medical marijuana renewals and recommendations
  • Office-based opioid addiction treatment
  • Pain management
  • Prescribing of subacute and chronic pain medications
  • Prescribing of medications to patients not seen by the provider
  • Prescribing of controlled substances by DEA-registered practitioners is allowed even in the absence of an in-person evaluation as long as the following circumstances are complied with:
    • The practitioner prescribing the same is acting within and the usual scope of his or her practice.
    • There is a legitimate medical purpose for which the controlled substances are prescribed.
    • The telehealth visit is conducted via a real-time two-way interactive, audio and, visually capable communication technology.
  • Medicaid will reimburse originating sites not previously recognized, including the patient’s home. The requirement for an established relationship to be reimbursed is waived during the existence of the PHE.
  • Penalties for non-compliance with HIPAA rules and standards are suspended as long as non-compliance is done in good faith.
  • For teletherapy, the requirement for training before rendering such service is put on hold as long as they are confident that they can competently deliver it. Face-to-face interactions, whether in-person or virtually, are no longer necessary before any healthcare service is rendered. Oral consent is now accepted and considered valid when obtaining written consent is not plausible at the moment.
  • For dentistry, limited problem-focused oral examinations and periodic oral evaluations may be rendered via telehealth during the period of the PHE.
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10 Best Online Doctors and Telemedicine Providers in Ohio

Do you live in The Buckeye State? Get healthcare services via telemedicine! Whether you’re looking for an online doctor within your area or an online specialist for your medical condition, the list below will help you find the provider you need.


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Before any video conferencing consultation is set, medical staff at OhioHealth will first determine if your medical condition is medically appropriate for delivering health care services. Their physicians will be the ones to schedule the patient’s telehealth appointments, either by phone or video, whichever he or she deems suitable for your needs. Whether you are a new patient or already have an OhioHealth physician, they offer the same type and quality of safe and secure services.

They provide same-day urgent care video visits for minor medical concerns that may require a professional’s advice. For non-urgent concerns like the following, you can opt for an E-Visit instead:

  • Back Pain
  • Cold
  • Cough
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion
  • Red Eye
  • Sinus Problems
  • Urinary Problems
  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Vaginal Irritation

The E-Visit is currently available to established patients only, but new patients can also avail of this service after registering and activating their accounts. Under this service, you answer a questionnaire about the symptoms you are experiencing and send them through their patient portal, OhioHealth MyChart.

All video consultations are done via Zoom’s healthcare version designed to meet HIPAA standards set up directly through the MyChart. You may access their services through their app on Google Play and App Store. The app will remind you of any appointments with your doctor, show a map of their clinic locations, view test results, access your prescriptions, and communicate with your providers.

Locations/Cities Served:

  • Ashland
  • Circleville
  • Athens
  • Columbus
  • Grove City
  • Hilliard
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Premier Health

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  • Prescription
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • Board-certified physicians, stroke neurologists, neurointensivists, nurse practitioners
  • Insurance

As long as your medical condition doesn’t require further medical intervention, such as laboratory tests, doctors at Premier Health will accommodate you via telemedicine via video, phone, or e-visits. The myriad of specialists comprising the Premier Physician Network provides collaborative care. You can be sure that you are consulting with doctors possessing extensive knowledge of your specific concern.

Some of the common conditions they treat through virtual visits:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Ear Pain
  • Flu
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Rash
  • Sprains
  • Urinary Tract Infection

They can also provide immediate evaluation for stroke patients through their TeleStroke Stroke Care Program. Part of their network is a stroke neurologist who can evaluate the patient and review all imaging and lab results through videoconferencing from the Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio. This way, life-saving medication can be immediately recommended by the stroke specialists and promptly administered by the medical staff physically present with the patient. This increases the patient’s chances of fully recovering from stroke and can even save a life considering the physical distance between the specialist and the patient.

Another program they have is the TeleSocialWork. In it, patients have access to social workers who are readily available to talk and provide recommendations and referrals to local health agencies within the patient’s area.

At the end of every session, they will prepare a summary you can access through your MyChart account. They can either provide you with a treatment plan or suggest that you seek in-office consultation. Prescriptions are delivered electronically to the pharmacy of your choice.

Location/City Served: Dayton

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Integrity Psychiatric Solutions

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The services they offer include psychiatric evaluations, diagnosis, follow-up, psychotropic regimen, and medication management. For now, they only cater to adults and elders as they do not have any children’s program for any behavioral, developmental, or emotional conditions.

If you are suffering from or diagnosed with any of the following psychological illnesses, specialists at Integrity Psychiatric Solutions can help you.

  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Chronic Illnesses
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Mood Disorders
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Substance Abuse

Integrity specialists understand that not all treatment types work for every individual. That is why they do not focus on only one type of therapy and work with you until they find the one compatible with your circumstances. These approaches can be any of the following:

Regular assessments of the effectiveness of your current treatment plan are conducted to make the necessary changes, whether in terms of the type of therapy, medication dosage, and many other factors that may affect it. The primary diagnosis is also reassessed, and determination of the existence of a secondary psychiatric condition, if any.

They also have medication management services wherein they deal with the side effects of the prescriptive drugs you are taking along with their effectivity to your current condition.

Location/City Served: Gallipolis

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Paloma Health

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  • Prescription
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • Board Certified Thyroid Specialists and Nutritionists
  • Insurance

Paloma Health is a telemedicine platform that solely focuses on hypothyroidism. Everything you need to get treated for this condition, like blood and laboratory tests, treatment plan, and prescriptions, can be accessed through their website.

The collection of blood samples for the thyroid blood tests can be done within the comforts of your home. They will run them for you and get back to you once the result is in. If you already have your test results before availing of their telemedicine services, you can upload a copy for their specialists to read and analyze.

Every medical advice and treatment plan they offer is tailored accordingly to every patient’s medical needs. The needed nutrition, physical activity, sleep, lifestyle changes, and other supplements are integrated into the plan. The thyroid doctor will help see you through the entire course of the treatment by scheduling follow-ups to track your progress.

Thyroid specialists at Palomata have multiple specializations, such as in the field of endocrinology and fertility. They don’t just treat what appears to be the problem upon the first consultation but offer a comprehensive evaluation and care to address the root cause of your medical condition. Proper coordination with your primary care physician and other doctors will also be conducted.

They also have downloadable guides and meal plans on their website and other medical resources you can read to be educated and learn everything you need to know about hypothyroidism.

Locations/Cities Served: based in VA, serving all of OH (among other states)

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Central Ohio Primary Care

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  • Prescription
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • Board Certified Physicians with Specializations in various fields, Respiratory Therapist, Registered Dietitians
  • Insurance

All Central Ohio Primary Care in-office providers are likewise reachable through their televisit services. They specialize in the following fields:

  • Asthma Education: A pulmonary function testing will be conducted first to determine the capacity of your lungs and know what triggers your asthma. Their asthma educators will provide instructions on following your treatment plan, including the use of asthma devices such as inhalers, peak flow meters, and spacers.
  • Care Coordination: This program is free for all COPC patients. It includes collaborative care, health coach support, medication management, and resource connections,
  • COPD Management: A Midmark spirometry is performed to determine the current status of your chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. You will then be trained on breathing techniques, proper intake of medications, and proper inhalers.
  • Diabetes Management: Pre-diabetes and diabetes patients are covered under this program. This program is done in coordination with your primary physician.
  • Pediatric Nutrition: The goal is to train your child to be a competitive eater by improving their eating habits. This is applicable for babies up to adolescents.
  • Tobacco Cessation: Tools are provided for those who want to put a stop to their tobacco consumption.

Aside from their patient portal, they also utilize the Healow App for all their telehealth visits.

The app is available on both the App Store and Google Play. They also have a video library on the website.

Location/City Served: Westerville

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The Care Clinic

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  • Prescription
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • Board Certified Physicians
  • Insurance: limited plan providers only

For individual or couples therapies that are emotionally focused, culturally sensitive, and person-centered, The Care Clinic will is the best choice for you and your loved ones! They prepare evidence-based, comprehensive, and personalized treatments for each patient.  Addiction Medicine, Adult Psychiatry, and Pain Management are some of their specializations. Currently, they do not treat children but only individuals ages 18 years old and above. They also cater to pregnant women.

They also have experts in the field who can help you with your treatment for any of the following conditions:

  • Alcohol Use Disorder
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Chronic Pain
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Internet Addiction
  • Mood Disorders
  • Obesity
  • Opioid Use Disorder
  • Psychiatric Disorders
  • Video Game Addiction

They do not just treat you for your diagnosis. They also see to it that all behavioral, mood and other co-occurring symptoms are properly addressed. After assessment and proper evaluation, they can prescribe you medications to help you on your treatment journey. Some of the medication they prescribe include:

Aside from video conferencing visits, your doctor will be accessible through e-mail, phone, and text. You can be sure that you will be guided throughout the treatment process. If English is not your primary language, you can choose among their providers who can speak  Hindi, Punjabi, and Spanish.

Locations/Cities Served:

  • Bridgeport
  • Calcutta
  • Columbus
  • Cincinnati
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Mount Carmel Health

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  • Prescription
  • HIPAA and Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Compliant
  • Board Certified Clinicians with Specializations in Multiple Fields, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant


If you are over 18 years of age or a parent availing of the service for your child, you can start by creating an account wherein you can add dependents and minor children. You have three options when availing of the telehealth services at Mount Carmel, these are:

  • Phone Visit: For primary and specialty care services that can be handled via audio-only appointments
  • Video Visit: For primary and specialty care services that are better addressed through face-to-face video consultations
  • Virtual Visit: For minor medical concerns that can be assessed by 24/7 urgent and on-demand doctors either by video or completion of a questionnaire

Remember that not all medical conditions can be appropriately accommodated through the modalities. You will be referred to a medical facility such as a clinic. Each unique case requires different levels or types of care. Here are some of the specializations they have:

If your treatment plan involves medications, they prescribe a limited list of medicines, excluding narcotics, pain medications, and other controlled substances. They will send you a prescription which you can then forward to your chosen pharmacy.

Aside from these services, they provide classes and events as well. You can also access healthy recipes that they freely share on their website.

Location/City Served: Columbus

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North Dayton Addiction and Recovery

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They offer talk therapy and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) online and almost all types of addiction recovery programs. Some programs must comply with an initial face-to-face consultation requirement before any virtual interactions can occur between the physician and the patient. However, the programs are only available to established patients who are compliant and stable, and new patients are not accommodated via their online platform.

North Dayton’s telemedicine services include:

  • Addiction to Substances: fentanyl, heroin, opiates, pain medications
  • Alcoholic’s Anonymous
  • Alcohol Use Disorder treated through The Sinclair Method, acamprosate, baclofen, or naltrexone
  • Counseling: Individual Chemical Dependency Counseling and Group Counseling
  • Relapse Prevention: Guide on how to combat cravings and avoid triggers are provided by physicians
  • SMART Recovery
  • Sober Support
  • The 12 Steps
  • Therapy

The following services continue to be offered only in-person:

  • Alcohol Use Disorder treated with Vivitrol
  • Sublocade treatments

Qualification and utilization of telemedicine services by an established patient are left to the sole discretion of the physician overseeing the patient’s overall treatment. Proper assessment for compliance, progression, and stabilization of the patient must be conducted before recommending him or her for telemedicine services.

All treatment plans are tailored to every patient’s individual needs and adjusted accordingly to their current standing on the road to recovery. You may choose between purely in-office or telemedicine consultations or a combination of both, subject to your healthcare provider’s approval.

Location/City Served: Vandalia

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Mercy Health

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  • Prescription
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • Board-Certified Physicians, Immunologists, Pediatricians, Urologists
  • Insurance

To ask about your medical concern, view your test results or ask for prescription refills, schedule online consultations at Mercy Health. They welcome both established and new patients on this platform. You can either choose to find your primary doctor by name or look for new doctors who specialize in the field of your medical condition. Non-urgent conditions like the following are commonly treated through Mercy Health’s virtual visits:

They only provide virtual follow-ups for some conditions like insomnia, hypothyroid, allergies, and chronic conditions. They also accommodated minors on their telemedicine services as long as their parent or guardian is present during the virtual session.

Video visits are conducted in two ways: MyChart for established patients and for both existing and new patients. With MyChart, you can also view and be reminded of future appointments.

E-visits are also available. This is where the patient only submits a completed questionnaire revolving around the symptoms he or she experiences. The provider will then analyze the submitted information, determine its sufficiency to make a diagnosis, request further data if needed, and provide a treatment plan for the patient.

Mercy Health Doctors can also prescribe and refill medications if medically necessary.

Locations/Cities Served:

  • Cincinnati
  • Toledo
  • Youngstown
  • Springfield
  • Lima
  • Lorain
  • Northern Kentucky
  • Paducah
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Virtual Psych

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  • Prescription
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • Board Certified Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Therapists
  • Insurance

Their approach in dealing with clients is patient-centric, and their output or treatment plan is always tailored to the patient’s needs and life circumstances. With your permission, they can retrieve your medical records with your previous doctors so that they can have a better view of your condition’s history and past treatments. This way, they can have a holistic and comprehensive way of treating you.

They offer both adult and child psychiatry services for a wide range of mental health issues. For adult psychiatry, they address the following:

  • ADHD
  • Alcohol Use
  • Anger
  • Antisocial Personality
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Body Dysmorphia
  • Depression
  • Dissociative Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Grief
  • Impulse Control Disorders
  • Narcissistic Personality
  • Panic Disorders
  • Parenting
  • Self-Esteem
  • Self-Harming
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Stress
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

In addition to the following conditions, they also handle behavioral problems, learning disabilities, school aggression, and acting out in child and teen psychiatry.

They also provide consultations, dual diagnosis, second opinions, and medication renewals. If unsure of which services you need, ask Virtual Psych about the assessment service.

All services can be availed of either through phone or video conferencing. Patients can keep in touch with their psychologists via text or call.

You can download the Care On The Go app from the App Store or Google Play to easily access their telemedicine services.

Locations/Cities Served: Maumee, Columbus

Telemedicine Resources in Ohio

There are a lot of telemedicine resources available on the web. However, not all telemedicine practice is the same across the fifty states and other territories of the United States of America. Although federal laws regulate the practice, states have also implemented their local laws to observe providers. Whether you are a patient in Ohio or looking into practicing telemedicine in the state, you can find the following resources to be reliable and useful:

  • Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center: The website will provide you with information about Ohio’s adoption of telehealth, compliance, delivery, and reimbursement. They conduct training for providers who want to learn more and improve in their delivery of telehealth services. You can access resource toolbox, events, and webinars specially designed for this type of service. If you simply like to read or listen to anything related to telehealth, you can view their blogs or listen to their podcasts.
  • Center for Connected Health Policy – OH: All information about the Ohio Medicaid Program, Private Payer Law, reimbursements, professional requirements, and other factors revolving around telehealth in the state has been summarized, compiled, and organized by this government-ran website. You can also find the highlights of important laws that discuss consent requirements, licensing, online prescribing, and many others in it. If you want to know about telehealth laws from the most basic and including more complex ones essential for both patients and providers to know, you should visit this website.
  • Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services: You can find on the official website of OhioMHAS a section solely dedicated to telehealth. They post resources for both patients, providers, and the general community in general. For patients, they have guidelines on how to access telehealth, tips to get the most of online consultations, policies on telecommunication, and how to go about virtual consultations with children. Webinars, toolkits, and fact sheets are available for providers. They have included contact information with which you can send any questions you have regarding telehealth.
  • State Medical Board of Ohio: On the Frequently Asked Questions section of the State Board’s website, a subsection focuses on telemedicine topics. It discusses a wide range of matters like the wordings of the state law, the definition of commonly used words, the needed equipment, the difference with similarly worded rules, exempting circumstances, limitations on online prescriptions, and many others.